


ICSTCC 2017 - Thursday October 19, 2017
08:30-09:30 ThRR1 - Palace Hall

09:30-10:00 ThPOC -George Enescu

Opening Ceremony
10:00-11:00 ThPP1 - George Enescu

Marcin Paprzycki
"Towards Semantic Interoperability in the Internet of Things"
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break - Palace Hall
11:30-13:00 ThA1
George Enescu

Robust Control
11:30-13:00 ThA2
Nicolae Iorga

Discrete Event Systems and Manufacturing
11:30-13:00 ThA3
Mircea Eliade

System Identification and Modeling
13:00-15:00 Lunch - Palace Restaurant
15:00-16:30 ThBP1
George Enescu

Trends in Computer Engineering
15:00-16:30 ThB2
Nicolae Iorga

Automotive Control Systems
15:00-16:30 ThB3
Mircea Eliade

Real Time Applications and Embedded Systems
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break - Palace Hall
17:00-18:30 ThCP1
George Enescu

Trends in Automatic Control
17:00-18:30 ThC2
Nicolae Iorga

17:00-18:30 ThC3
Mircea Eliade

Classification and Data Mining
19:30-22:30 Welcome Party - Palace Restaurant

ICSTCC 2017 - Friday October 20, 2017
08:30-09:00 FrPR2 - Palace Hall

09:00-10:00 FrPP2 - George Enescu

Carla Seatzu
"Verification of Opacity in Discrete Event Systems"
10:00-11:00 FrPP3 - George Enescu

Sergiu Nedevschi
"Perception for Automated Vehicles"
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break - Palace Hall
11:30-13:00 FrA1
George Enescu

Adaptive and Predictive Control
11:30-13:00 FrA2
Nicolae Iorga

Propagation - Delays - Control
11:30-13:00 FrA3
Mircea Eliade

Complex Image Processing for Monitoring and Diagnosis
13:00-15:00 Lunch - Palace Restaurant
15:00-16:30 FrB1
George Enescu

15:00-16:30 FrB2
Nicolae Iorga

Real Time Process Control
15:00-16:30 FrB3
Mircea Eliade

Human Computer Interaction
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break - Palace Hall
17:00-18:30 FrC1
George Enescu

Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control
17:00-18:30 FrC2
Nicolae Iorg

Computational Intelligence
17:00-18:30 FrC3
Mircea Eliade

Distributed Systems
19:15-23:00 Gala Dinner – Cantacuzino Castle*)

*) Coach transfer to / from Cantacuzino Castle is included. The departure time (19:15) is strict.

ICSTCC 2017 - Saturday October 21, 2017
08:30-09:30 SaPP4- George Enescu

Daniel Coca
"Reverse-Engineering the Brain: A Control-Theoretic Perspective"
09:40-11:10 SaA1
George Enescu

Modeling and Simulation
09:40-11:10 SaA2
Nicolae Iorga

Linear Systems
09:40-11:10 SaA3
Mircea Eliade

Control Applications
11:10-11:30 Coffee Break - Palace Hall
11:30-13:00 SaB1
George Enescu

Nonlinear Systems
11:30-13:00 SaB2
Nicolae Iorga

Control System Design
11:30-13:00 SaB3
Mircea Eliade

Internet Applications and Models
13:10-13:30 SaPCC - George Enescu

Closing Ceremony
13:30-15:00 Lunch - Palace Restaurant

Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations:

The time frame for each paper presentation is 15 minutes, including questions and discussions with the audience.
Each presentation room will be equipped with a laptop and a video projector. All presenters are kindly asked to use this system, rather than connecting their own device to the projector. Please have your presentation on a USB memory stick and bring it to the designated room with 10 minutes before the session starts. A colleague from the organizing committee will assist you to copy your presentation to the available laptop.
The presentation slides have to be compatible with the available system: allowable extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .pdf. If videos are included, they should run under Windows 7 OS without necessitating additional codecs.

Poster presentations:

Your work is to be presented in the form of a poster. Thus, you have to bring your own poster, in A1 size – portrait orientation (width 594 mm x height 841 mm). Please bring your poster in the designated room with 20 minutes before your session starts. A colleague from the organizing committee will help you to fix your poster on the panel – materials as adhesive tape and pins will be available in the room.
During the session, each poster will be given a maximum 10 minutes time interval for oral presentation and discussions with the audience, as coordinated by the session’s chairs. In addition, each presenter is expected to be available for promoting the presented work and for additional discussions throughout the whole session.

Optional poster printing service:

Please note that there are no poster-printing devices on-site.
Should you feel uncomfortable to travel to Sinaia with a poster, we can provide the printing and delivering service for a 15 Euro fee. For this, you have to inform us and send the poster in electronic form before October 9th, 2017, via email to Acceptable file extensions are .ppt, .pptx and .pdf, color and with correct size.

Thank you in advance for satisfying the presentation guidelines!



  • Early registration fee (before July 31, 2017): 325 Euro (275 Euro for IEEE Members);
  • Late / on-site registration fee: 375 Euro (325 Euro for IEEE Members);
  • Early student registration fee (before July 31, 2017): 200 Euro;
  • Late / on-site student registration fee: 225 Euro

For each accepted paper, the author who will attend the conference and present the paper must register when uploading the final form.

Student registrants are allowed to upload only one paper. Regular registrants are allowed to upload two papers, to be presented by the same attendant. Additional papers of the same (co)author may be uploaded for 150 Euro each. For each paper, maximum eight pages A4 in double column format are allowed; however, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of 50 Euros.

A registration fee includes conference materials (with conference proceedings on USB drive) and it covers attendance to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and gala dinner.

The accompanying persons can choose the conference events they will attend – the fee will be paid at the registration desk during the conference.


  1. The registration fee payments can be made with either of the following two options:
    • Credit card – Visa or Mastercard:
      • The purchase is securely handled by PayU. No credit card information will be stored at the end of the transaction. Upon successful payment, the participant should receive an e-mail message with the subject field containing the text “Online order confirmation from”.
    • Bank/wire transfer:
      • Information for wire transfer;
      • Romanian participants are requested to pay the registration fee in RON, in accordance with the official Euro/RON exchange rate from the day of the payment;
      • As payment details, please specify: ICSTCC 2017, registrant name, [paper ID(s) / participant] on the bank transfer form;
      • The conference fee does not include bank charges.
  2. Before going to the registration page, please have the following information ready:
    • ID(s) and title(s) of the paper(s) to be presented by the registrant;
    • For an IEEE member registration, scan your membership card, or download an electronic copy (PDF) by logging into myIEEE;
    • For a student registration, scan as .pdf file an official letter stating that the registered person is a full-time student / Ph.D;
    • If the registration was already paid by wire transfer, scan/save the proof of payment as .pdf file.

Access the REGISTRATION form!

  1. Visit the following page for information regarding Accommodation and Travel
  • All cancellations must be made by email a request to the ICSTCC 2017 organizers. Cancellations received before September 3, 2017 are refundable, minus a 100 Euro processing and administration charge. Cancellations received after September 4, 2017 are non-refundable. Phone cancellation is not accepted.
  • No refund will be given for non-attendance.

Visa Information

Travel advice provided by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is available here. General information regarding the Romanian visa and conditions to entry on the territory of Romania are available here.

To find out if you need a visa to enter Romania go to this page.

In case that you need a visa to enter Romania as an author or co-author of an ICSTCC 2017 paper, please follow the below procedure to obtain an official letter of acceptance for your paper. Note that such a letter does NOT imply covering of the fees, accommodation, travel expenses or other costs incurred by conference attendance.

Procedure for obtaining an official letter of acceptance:

  • Log in on and select “Enter” as “Author or proposer of submission …” for ICSTCC 2017.
  • Move your mouse pointer over “Choose an option” and click on “Request an Acceptance Letter”.
  • Fill out the necessary information.
  • Download the pdf file of your Acceptance Letter.

Final Submission

The corresponding author of each accepted paper should submit the final version through the PaperCept conference management system before July 31st, 2017. The final form of the papers must comply with IEEE pdf requirements. Maximum eight pages A4 in double column format are allowed; however, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of 50 Euros.

Main steps for preparing and submitting the final version of an accepted paper:

  1. Take into account the received reviews when preparing the final version of your paper.
  2. The final version must satisfy the similarity thresholds in order to be included in conference proceedings. The similarity score of the final version should result under 30% and the highest matching with a single source less than 10%.
    • A similarity report is available for each submitted paper:
      • Log in on and select “Enter” as “Author or proposer of submission …” for ICSTCC 2017.
      • In your author workspace, move your mouse pointer over “Choose an option” to open a menu with several useful options.
      • Select the link “Inspect reviews and decision letter”.
      • In the iThenticate Scan Results table, go to “iThenticate scan report” and select the link View the report. It will open the report in a new window or tab. You may need to turn off the pop-off blocker of your browser.
      • Several pages from the iThenticate User Manual with instructions on how to read and interpret the report can be downloaded here.
  3. The final version must be prepared by using the A4 Microsoft Word or LaTeX templates available at
    • LaTeX users: add Keywords to your document as follows:
      • Add the following line before “\begin{document}”:
      • Add the the following lines (by using the appropriate keywords) after “\end{abstract}”:
        keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword 3 …
  4. Verify your paper on IEEE PDF eXpress, by using the Conference ID 41423X:
    • Convert your file to pdf. The file can be also converted on IEEE PDF eXpress site, but it takes a lot of time. Free pdf convertors can be used, as: CutePDFWriter, PDFCreator.
    • Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site:
      • First-time users (without an account on IEEE PDF eXpress site):
        • Select the “New Users – Click Here” link.
        • Enter the Conference ID 41423X, your email address and choose a password.
        • Continue to enter information as prompted.
      • Previous users who are using the site for the first time for this conference:
        • Select the “New Users – Click Here” link.
        • Enter the Conference ID 41423X, your email address and password.
        • When you click “Login”, you will receive an error saying you need to set up an account. Simply click “Continue”. By entering your previously used email address and password combination, you will enable your old account for this conference.
      • Returning users with an account for ICSTCC 2017:
        • Enter the Conference ID 41423X, your email address and password.
    • For each conference paper, click “Create New Title”.
    • Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required).
    • Click “Submit File for Checking or Converting”.
    • Browse for your file and click “Upload” your file. You will receive an email confirming the successful upload. Click “Continue” to view the current status of the uploaded file.
    • You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
    • If any errors are detected:
      • See the list of the specific problems by using the link “PDF Check report” from your IEEE PDF eXpress page or by reading the attached report from the email.
      • Correct the errors; information on possible solutions can be found by using the link “get solutions” from your IEEE PDF eXpress page.
      • Resubmit the PDF by clicking “Try again” on your IEEE PDF eXpress page.
      • Repeat the above procedure until all errors are solved.
    • If no error is detected, download the attachment of the passed email from IEEE PDF eXpress. This is the final version of your paper that you have to upload to the PaperCept system. It is mandatory to not make any changes on the file built by IEEE PDF eXpress.

    More detailed instructions on PDF eXpress checking can be found at

  5. Upload the final version to PaperCept and sign the Electronic IEEE Copyright Transfer Form:
    • Log in on and select “Enter” as “Author or proposer of submission …” for ICSTCC 2017.
    • Verify the file returned by IEEE PDF eXpress on PaperCept, by using the link “Pdf Test”.
    • Select the link “Submit the final version” for the paper ID you want to upload.
    • In the Final Submission page, select the link “Transfer copyright”, make sure that the title of the paper and the authors are correct, then click “Next”.
      • You will be redirected to the IEEE Publication Agreement page. Follow the required steps to electronically transfer the IEEE copyright. In Step 4 (Complete the publication agreement), make sure you scroll down and enter your name in the designated space. In Step 5 you can download the copyright form, if desired. Then click “Done” to return to PaperCept site, then select the link “Cancel the page”.
    • In the Final Submission page, select the link “Update the final version information”.
      • If necessary, update the list of authors, the title of the paper and the abstract. Please make sure that all the authors of the paper are correctly indicated. Click “Next” and then “Finish”.
    • In the Final Submission page, select the link “Upload or re-upload” and upload the error-free pdf file returned by IEEE PDF eXpress.
  6. Register and pay the conference fee:
    • For each accepted paper, at least one registration and fee payment has to be made until July 31, 2017.
    • Visit the Registration page for detailed information.
  7. Visit the page Visa information in case that you need a visa to enter Romania as an author or co-author of an ICSTCC 2017 paper.
  8. Visit the following page for information regarding Accommodation and Travel

Plenary Speakers

United Kingdom

Daniel_Coca_photoDaniel COCA
Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

Biography: Professor Daniel Coca is Head of Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering and Director of the Centre for Signal Processing and Complex Systems at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. He received his MEng degree in Electrical Engineering from Transilvania University of Brasov in 1993 and his PhD degree in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 1997. His research interests include modelling, analysis, and control of complex systems, inverse problems, diffuse optical tomography and biological data analysis.
To reach him, please visit

Talk title: Reverse-Engineering the Brain: A Control-Theoretic Perspective
Abstract: According to the US National Academy of Engineering, ‘Reverse Engineering the Brain’ is one of the ‘Grand Engineering Challenges’ of the 21st century. Understanding how the brain works promises huge opportunities for replicating the perception and cognition abilities of the human brain as well as for advancing the understanding and treatment of cognitive and neurological disorders.
Whilst recently the focus has been on highly ambitious, large-scale, billion-pound research projects that aim to develop large-scale simulation models of the entire human brain, it is clear that it is more feasible to understand the fundamental principles of neural computation and cognition by studying much simpler insect brains that still produce astonishingly complex behaviours.
Over the past decade, systems and control theory has emerged as a key theoretical and methodological framework to elucidate how neural circuits compute, what computations they perform and how these in turn relate to animal’s behaviour. System identification, nonlinear frequency response analysis, controllability, observability and optimal control are some of the concepts, methods and tools that are used to explain how the brain moves between cognitive states, to study the mechanisms behind neural control, to understand how brain functions are regulated or to elucidate the adaptation and coding mechanisms employed by sensory systems.
In this talk I will show how the application of such methods and tools has allowed us to elucidate the adaptation and coding mechanisms employed by fly photoreceptors and, more recently, enabled us to characterise for the first time the neuronal connectivity in the Drosophila brain.
Specifically, I will show how photoreceptors exploit nonlinear dynamics to selectively enhance and encode phase-related features of temporal stimuli, such as local phase congruency, which are invariant to changes in illumination and contrast and how, in order to mitigate for the inherent sensitivity to noise of the local phase congruency measure, the nonlinear coding mechanisms of the fly photoreceptors are tuned to suppress noise.
In this context, I will introduce briefly the Fruit Fly Brain Observatory, an open source software platform for studying fruit fly brain function and for investigating brain disease models, which we are currently developing in collaboration with partners in US and Taiwan.

Sergiu_Nedevschi_photoSergiu NEDEVSCHI
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Research Center,
Computer Science Department
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Biography: Sergiu Nedevschi is a Professor in Computer Science within Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (TUCN) and the Director of the Research Center for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition.
He received his Masters and Ph.D. from Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in 1975 and 1993. He was a Senior Research Fellow for the “Research Institute for Computer Technologies of Cluj-Napoca”, an Assistant and Associate Professor and now is full Professor in Computer Science at TUCN.
He was the Head of the Computer Science Department, the Dean of the Automation and Computer Science Faculty and now is the Vice Rector of TUCN in charge with Scientific Research and ICT.
He is currently teaching Image Processing (3th year), Pattern Recognition (4th year), Artificial Vision (master), Artificial Vision for Autonomous Driving (master). He established, in 1998, the “Research Center for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition” that has main researches in stereo vision based perception, advanced driving assistance and autonomous driving.
He was involved in more than 80 research projects, being the coordinator of 60 of them. The industrial cooperation with important automotive players like Volkswagen AG, Robert Bosch GMBH, SICK AG and research institutes such as VTT, INRIA was achieved through funded research projects.
He is the author/coauthor of 20 books and over 300 papers from which more than 90 journal papers.
He is IEEE member, member of IEEE Romania Section Committee in charge with educational activities and Associate Editor of several IEEE conferences and journals. He has also received many national and international awards and honors.
To reach him, please visit

Talk title: Perception for Automated Vehicles
Abstract: Automated vehicles and automated driving are fascinating topics in the research world and in the car industry. Perception based solutions to provide the necessary information to the automated vehicles are investigated. The specifications for perception are established starting from the automated driving requirements. Perception strategy, disruptive sensors, the sensory system, redundancy, 360 degree coverage, perception solutions at individual sensors level, raw data level fusion versus object level fusion are discussed. The algorithms for surrounding view cameras, stereo cameras and LIDARs, and the super-sensor concept for spatio-temporal and appearance based intermediate representation (STAR) developed at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca are presented.

Marcin_Paprzycki_photoMarcin PAPRZYCKI
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, Poland

Biography: Marcin Paprzycki is an associate professor at the Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences. He has an MS from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland, a PhD from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and a Doctor of Science from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He is a senior member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, a Senior Fulbright Lecturer, and an IEEE CS Distinguished Visitor. He has contributed to more than 450 publications and was invited to the program committees of over 500 international conferences. He is on the editorial boards of 12 journals and a book series.
To reach him, please visit

Talk title: Towards Semantic Interoperability in the Internet of Things
Abstract: Lack of interoperability of Internet of Things (IoT) platforms / systems / applications (artifacts) is being recognized as an important issue that prevents faster development of IoT ecosystems (including Smart Grids / Homes / Neighborhoods, office buildings, etc.). Acknowledging this problem, the European Commission has funded seven research projects that are to address it. While interoperability can be considered on many levels, here we are interested in semantic interoperability. This is also the focus of current presentation. Based on our recent work, we came to the conclusion that we have to assume that: (1) research should focus on joining at least three artifacts (to avoid “two-platform-simplifications” that can easily “distort judgment”), and (ii) existing IoT artifacts cannot be easily changed (resistance of stakeholders) and / or do not have semantics represented in the OWL language. We also have to assume that, at least for the time being, process of joining multiple IoT artifacts will be guided by representatives of stakeholders (we thus omit considerations related to the discovery and inclusion of services “from the WWW”). Therefore, we have proposed the following approach leading towards establishing semantic interoperability within IoT ecosystems: (1) Modular ontology consisting of: (a) core vocabulary of the IoT, and (b) domain specific modules (facilitating communication concerning given “topic” – one or more modules for each “topic”) has to be developed. (2) Semantics of each artifact has to be extracted and lifted to OWL (providing foundation for semantic translations). (3) Translators (bidirectional – producer and consumer) between the “local vocabulary” and the “lifted vocabulary” have to be created. (4) Alignments (“directional”) between ontologies representing each entity, and appropriately selected modules of the central ontology have to be instantiated and stored. They will be later used in data translations. It should be stressed that, while each step is supported with a set of tools (usability of which depends on the specific situation), none of them can be completed automatically. In other words, it is necessary to have a “human in the loop” to make sure that the resulting vocabularies, alignments, etc. are appropriately high quality. The aim of the presentation will be to provide details of the above described proposal for reaching semantic interoperability in IoT ecosystems. Research presented in the talk is being supported by EU-H2020-ICT grant INTER-IoT 687283.

Carla_Seatzu_photoCarla SEATZU
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Cagliari, Italy

Biography: Carla Seatzu received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering and her Ph.D. degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the University of Cagliari, Italy, in 1996 and 2000, respectively. Since 2011 she is Associate Professor of Automatic Control at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari, which she joined in 2002 as an Assistant Professor. In 2013 she got the Italian National Abilitation to Full Professor of Automatic Control.
She is Vice-President of the Faculty Committee of Engineering and Architecture and Vice-Coordinator of the Ph.D. Program in Electronic and Computer Engineering at the University of Cagliari.
Carla Seatzu’s research interests include discrete-event systems, Petri nets, hybrid systems, networked control systems, manufacturing and transportation systems. She is author of more than 230 publications, including 60+ papers in international journals, 10+ chapters in international books, and one textbook. She is editor of two international books and the proceedings of two international conferences. Her h-index in Scopus is equal to 26.
Actually she is Senior Editor of the IEEE Control Systems Letters, and Associate Editor of 3 international journals: IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, IEEE Trans. on Automation Science, and Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. She has also intensively collaborated to the organization of international events. In particular, she was Workshop Chair of the 55th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (2016), and General Co-chair of the 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (2013).
To reach her, please visit

Talk title: Verification of Opacity in Discrete Event Systems
Abstract: Security is one of the most important properties in cyberinfrastructures, ranging from Internet and mobile communication networks to national defense and health service systems. In these systems some information should not be corrupted or acquired by unauthorized people (called intruders). The notion of opacity formalizes the absence of information flow, or more precisely, the impossibility for an intruder to infer the truth of a predicate representing the secret information. In discrete event systems the predicate can be a subset of the state space or a language, therefore, opacity properties can be categorized into two main classes: state-based opacity and language-based opacity. In this talk the focus will be on state-based opacity. More precisely, two state-based opacity properties will be considered: current-state opacity and initial-state opacity. Special attention will be devoted to systems modeled with Petri nets.

Invited Sessions

Proposed Invited Sessions:

Complex Image Processing for Monitoring and Diagnosis (code: sy69u)

Organizers: Dan Popescu*, Loretta Ichim

Human Computer Interaction (code: 1a868)

Organizers: Runar Unnthorsson, Pawel Strumillo, Simona Caraiman*, Adrian Burlacu

Propagation – Delays – Control (code: 45ek6)

Organizers: Daniela Danciu*, Vladimir Rasvan, Dan Popescu

Real Time Process Control (code: 7ygak)

Organizers: Ciprian Lupu*, Dumitru Popescu

Complex Image Processing for Monitoring and Diagnosis (code: sy69u)

Organizers: Dan Popescu, Loretta Ichim

The session aims to underline the intrinsic connection between complex image processing, on one hand, and two important actions in different fields: monitoring and diagnosis, on the other hand. The applications of complex images like texture and fractals in domains like: industry, medicine, agriculture, environment, transportation and so on, needs interdisciplinary knowledge and effectively solve many encountered problems. This special session provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss advances in the research and development of intelligent systems for complex image processing and interpretation based on efficient feature selection in the field of monitoring and diagnosis.

All session papers need to have a high scientific level and will be selected based on their relevance to the session topics. The included topics are the following (but not limited): Criteria for feature selection, Image processing for real time control, Traffic control based on images, Medical diagnostic systems based on complex image processing, Assistive technologies based on image processing, UAV and robot guidance based on image interpretation, Quality control based on image processing, Fractal analysis, Texture analysis, Parallel processing of images.

Human Computer Interaction (code: 1a868)

Organizers: Runar Unnthorsson, Pawel Strumillo, Simona Caraiman, Adrian Burlacu

The interactions between humans and systems have evolved tremendously due to the rapid changes in information technologies. The many possibilities opened by this evolution can have an impact on most aspects of human life, including health care, government, education, science, business and entertainment. Efficiently designing and evaluating the interaction with computer-based systems can greatly improve the strength and efficiency of the human activity.

This session intends to serve as a platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge and experiences in interactions between man and systems. We welcome submissions describing original research on various aspects of this highly multi-disciplinary topic, involving theories, methodologies, technologies, empirical and experimental studies.

We highlight a few topics of interest, but the session can extend beyond them: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) for assistive technologies, Interaction in virtual and augmented reality environments, Mobile HCI, Multi-modal interfaces, Natural user interfaces, Non–verbal interfaces, Applications of machine learning in HCI, Gesture and eye–gaze based interaction, Haptic user interfaces, Information visualization, Usability: evaluation methods and techniques, user experience.

Propagation – Delays – Control (code: 45ek6)

Organizers: Daniela Danciu, Vladimir Rasvan, Dan Popescu

Propagation phenomena, modeled by partial differential equations (PDEs), are ubiquitous and widely studied as mathematical objects but also as challenging processes to be understood, modeled, predicted, controlled. They can be encountered within different scientific areas (physics, chemistry, biology etc.) as well as in different engineering applications within various domains such as fluid dynamics, energy, mechanics, biochemical reactions, blood flow, weather and climate changes, waves, long lines from electrotechnics and communications, heating, aerodynamics and so on.

Time delays affect the dynamics of both linear and nonlinear dynamical processes and may even induce instabilities. The qualitative analysis as well as the control of time delay systems are necessary tasks in engineering applications within different research fields. Several approaches can be considered in tackling these subjects for both the lumped or distributed delays along some process.

This invited session addresses these two strong inter- and multi-disciplinary research areas and aims to create a discussion forum for new results dealing with (but not restricted to) mathematical modeling, control and applications for propagation phenomena and time delays.

Real Time Process Control (code: 7ygak)

Organizers: Ciprian Lupu, Dumitru Popescu

The session offers a framework for presentations of research that bring interesting and relevant contributions in the field of real time applications, using advanced automatic concepts in the Energy Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Water, Gas and Heat Utilities Network and other areas of technical and economic interest.

Papers that will be appreciated should offer modern solutions related to the modeling, control and optimization of control systems structures, and should be supported by an adequate theoretical background, implemented and validated on real-time operating configurations.

How to propose an Invited Session (closed)

Proposals for INVITED SESSIONS in the scope of the conference are welcome. A proposal for an INVITED SESSION should contain the title of the session, a half page description of its theme, the name and affiliation of the organizers.

For submitting an Invited Session Proposal go to: and select the link “Submit a contribution to ICSTCC 2017”. Next, on the submission page, follow the appropriate Submit link. Detailed instructions about the submission process can be found here.

After submission, the code of the invited session will be automatically sent to the proposer of the session by email. This code should be provided to all the authors that intend to submit a paper to the invited session.

To submit a proposal, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is needed for each coordinator. To find your own or someone else’s PIN, to retrieve your password (if you have a PIN but no password), or to register a new PIN (if you never obtained a PIN before) go to

The deadline for submitting proposals for INVITED SESSIONS is April 21, 2017.

Note: Papers submitted for a special session will be treated in the same manner as the regular papers!


Initial Papers Submission

All contributions must be written in English and should be submitted by web upload only as full papers (not only the abstract)

For the MS Word and LaTex templates (A4 format) provided by IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing please visit:

For the initial submission any warnings about the margins of the PDF file can be ignored. Detailed instructions for the final submission will be provided in due time.

Maximum six pages A4 in double column format are allowed. Authors may upload longer manuscript up to a maximum of eight pages total. However, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of 50 Euros.

Before starting the submission

To submit a paper for the conference a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is needed for each author. To find your own or someone else’s PIN, to retrieve your password (if you have a PIN but no password), or to register a new PIN (if you never obtained a PIN before) go to

How to submit your paper

In order to send your contribution (a regular paper or a paper dedicated to an invited session), go to and select the link Submit a contribution to ICSTCC 2017.

On this new page, click on the appropriate Submit link to submit either a Contributed Paper (regular paper) or an Invited Session Paper. This takes you to the corresponding submission form.

On this form you will be required to fill in the following data:

  • Code: Only for Invited Session Papers.
  • Paper title: Please use sentence case and ASCII characters only.
  • Author PINs: It asks you for number of authors. Enter the right number and click on Go.
  • Author PINs (contd.): Clicking on “Go” creates the number of fields that has been specified. In each field enter a valid PIN for each co-author and click on the radio button next to the “corresponding author”. Click on “Check” to verify that you entered the correct PIN or PINs.
  • Keywords: Select conference designated keywords for paper classification. Unless you select these keywords you will not be able to proceed.
    • Click on “Go” next to “Keywords”.
    • Select up to three keywords from the given set.
    • Click on the “Submit” link in the box with the keywords to save the keywords and to return to the main submission page.
  • Abstract: Only if required by the conference.
  • Commitment: Check the checkbox “I agree” to agree with conference policy.

Click on Next to go to the File Upload page.

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Detailed instructions about the submission process and management of authors’ accounts can be found here.




  • Early registration fee (before July 31, 2017): 325 Euro (275 Euro for IEEE Members);
  • Late / on-site registration fee: 375 Euro (325 Euro for IEEE Members);
  • Early student registration fee (before July 31, 2017): 200 Euro;
  • Late / on-site student registration fee: 225 Euro


Final Call for Papers

Third Call for Papers
Second Call for Papers
First Call for Papers


Papers submitted for presentation should contain original research, not published or being considered for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, coordinated by the International Program Committee. All submissions will be tested for similarity and overlap with prior published material using the iThenticate tool. Evidence of plagiarism (even self-plagiarism) will result in paper withdrawing at any stage.

Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and attend the conference to present the paper. The final form of the accepted papers must meet the IEEE pdf compliance requirements. For each accepted paper, as part of the final submission procedure, the corresponding author must complete a copyright form. The Proceedings of ICSTCC 2017 will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, therefore all authors must follow IEEE Intellectual Property Rights guidelines and policies.

The topics of the conference are available here.

Accommodation and Travel


Sinaia is one of the most famous and oldest mountain tourist resorts in Romania, known as “The Carpathian Pearl”. Situated in a breath-taking mountain scenery, Sinaia is located at 120 km distance from Bucharest, on the Prahova Valley. Blending astonishing beauty of nature with picturesque architecture, Sinaia is a formal royal residence and bears a holy name, that of Mount Sinai. The 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing will be hosted by the Palace Hotel, located close to the centre of the resort. This stylish hotel is a great choice for pretentious tourists, for conferences and meetings. Popular nearby tourist attractions are Sinaia Monastery and Peles Castle (one of the best-preserved royal palaces in Europe, which served as the summer residence of the first king of Romania, Carol I).


The conference hotel (Palace Hotel 4*) offers the following reduced rates for the conference participants:

  • Single room: 42 Euro/night
  • Double room: 53 Euro/night
  • Studio: 70 Euro/night

The Caraiman Hotel (3*), which is located right across a beautiful park from the conference hotel, offers the following reduced rates for the conference participants:

  • Single room: 32 Euro/night
  • Double room: 42 Euro/night
  • Studio: 55 Euro/night

All prices include taxes & breakfast.

The participants should make reservations for the above hotels by directly contacting the hotel administration via e-mail: In order to obtain the mentioned reduced rates, the participants should mention that they are ICSTCC 2017 attendants.

For other choices of hotel reservations please consult this link.


The nearest major airport is the Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport (also known as Otopeni – OTP / LROP). Reaching Sinaia from the Bucharest airport:

  • Take the bus 780 – an express connection between Henri Coanda Airport and North Railway Station in Bucharest (“Gara de Nord”). Tickets should be bought before boarding the bus, from the designated vending machine or from the ticket booth. The bus leaves every 30-40 min. and the journey takes about 45-50 min. (except rush hour).
    For a shuttle bus and train connection to the North Railway Station in Bucharest please see this link.
    Alternatively, you can take a taxi to North Railway Station, but please be careful to take an official one (those waiting in line at the Arrival Terminal, not drivers trying to pick you up inside the airport).
  • Take a train to Sinaia. Trains leave almost every hour from 7 am to 10 pm and the journey takes about 1h30min. You can find the timetables here (departure station, in Romanian “Plecare”: Bucuresti Nord, arrival station, in Romanian “Destinatie”: Sinaia) (please check the duration of the trip and avoid regional trains “R” which take 2h40min).
  • The train station in Sinaia is within walking distance (5 minutes) to Palace and Caraiman hotels.

For other travelling options (by train or car) we recommend using the Google directions to Palace hotel.

If travelling by car from outside Romania, please make sure to buy a vignette before entering Romania – see details here.


Organizing Committee

Chair: Marius Kloetzer
Adrian AlexandrescuLavinia Ferariu
Alexandru ArchipFlorin Leon
Marian BarbuRobert Lupu
Eugen BobasuCarlos Pascal
Nicolae BotezatuElvira Popescu
Adrian BurlacuLucian Prodan
Simona CaraimanElena Serban
Constantin CaruntuRazvan Solea
Ciprian ChirilaAndrei Stan
Dana Serbeniuc


General ChairMihail Voicu, Professor Emeritus Dr. Eng.
Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy
Organizing CommitteeConference e-mail: (preferred)

“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering
Str. Prof. D. Mangeron 27, Iasi, 700050, Romania

(Organizing chair e-mail:; phone: +40-232-701344)

Sponsors, patrons & partners

Technical Co-sponsor

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE Control Systems Society


Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation
Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation
Romanian Academy
Romanian Academy
Romanian Academy
Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences
Section of Electronics and Automatic Control
Romanian Academy
Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch
Romanian Society of Automatic Control and Technical Informatics (SRAIT)

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors



Alumni Association of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering Iasi (Asociatia Absolventilor Facultatii de Automatica si Calculatoare Iasi - ACIS)

International Program Committee

General Chair
Mihail VOICU, Romania
Program Chair
Rogelio LOZANO, France
CSS Representative
Silviu-Iulian NICULESCU, France
Vice Chairs
Vasile MANTA, Romania
Vladimir RASVAN, Romania
Adrian FILIPESCU, Romania
Radu-Emil PRECUP, Romania

Mihail Abrudean (RO)Corneliu Lazar (RO)
Adriana Albu (RO)Frank Lewis (USA)
Costin Badica (RO)Ben van Lier (NL)
Stephen Banks (UK)Cristian Mahulea (ES)
Viorel Barbu (RO)Mihaela Matcovschi (RO)
Andrzej Bartoszewicz (PL)Mihai Micea (RO)
Theodor Borangiu (RO)Liviu Miclea (RO)
Radu Calinescu (UK)Viorel Minzu (RO)
Sergiu Caraman (RO)Mariana Mocanu (RO)
Petru Cascaval (RO)Sergiu Nedevschi (RO)
Emil Ceanga (RO)Roberto Oboe (IT)
Arben Cela (FR)Sorin Olaru (FR)
Daniela Cernega (RO)Nejat Olgac (USA)
Enric Cervera (ES)Hitay Ozbay (TR)
Vincent Charvillat (FR)Doru Panescu (RO)
Horia Ciocarlie (RO)Marcin Paprzycki (PL)
Dorian Cojocaru (RO)Octavian Pastravanu (RO)
Sorin Cotofana (NL)Lacra Pavel (CA)
Vladimir Cretu (RO)Dana Petcu (RO)
Dan Cristea (RO)Emil Petre (RO)
Valentin Cristea (RO)Stefan Pickl (DE)
Dimos Dimarogonas (SW)Dan Popescu (RO)
Radu Dobrescu (RO)Dumitru Popescu (RO)
Denis Dochain (BE)Rodica Potolea (RO)
Florin Dragan (RO)Alexander Poznyak (MX)
Eva Dulf (RO)Stefan Preitl (RO)
Ioan Dumitrache (RO)Werner Purgathofer (AT)
Maria Pia Fanti (IT)Bogdan Sapinski (PL)
Florin Filip (RO)Dan Selisteanu (RO)
Pasi Franti (FIN)Manuel Silva (ES)
Adina Magda Florea (RO)Vasile Sima (RO)
Antoine Girard (FR)Pawel Strumillo (PL)
Eduard Groeller (AT)Nicolae Tapus (RO)
Daniela Iacoviello (IT)Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu (RO)
Eugen Iancu (RO)Nikos Tsourdveloudis (GR)
Mircea Ivanescu (RO)Florina Ungureanu (RO)
Visakan Kadirkamanathan (UK)Honoriu Valean (RO)
Robain De Keyser (BE)Erik Verriest (USA)
Vladimir Kharitonov (RU)Ramon Vilanova (ES)
Walter Kropatsch (AT)Lucian Vintan (RO)
Karol Kostur (SK)Alina Voda (FR)
Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (FR)Franz Wotawa (AT)

Technical Committee (RO)

Eugen BobasuLetitia Mirea
Nicolae BotezatuAlexandru Onea
Cristina BudaciuFlorin Ostafi
Adrian BurlacuCarlos Pascal
Simona CaraimanElvira Popescu
Constantin - CaruntuMihai Postolache
Lavinia FerariuElena Serban
Marius KloetzerRazvan Solea
Florin LeonGabriela Varvara

List of previous ICSTCC conferences

20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Joint Conference SINTES 20, SACCS 16, SIMSIS 20
13 - 15 October 2016, Sinaia, Romania
19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing,
October 14-16, 2015,
Cheile Gradistei - Fundata Resort, Romania
18th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing,
October 17-19, 2014,
Sinaia, Romania
17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Joint Conference SINTES 17, SACCS 13, SIMSIS 17
11 - 13 October 2013, Sinaia, Romania
16th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing ICSTCC 2012
October 12 - 14, 2012,
Sinaia, Romania
15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing
Joint Conference
14th International Conference on System Theory and Control
(Joint conference of SINTES14, SACCS10, SIMSIS14)


Welcome to ICSTCC 2017

(Joint Conference of SINTES 21, SACCS 17, SIMSIS 21, CONTI 10)

October 19 – 21, 2017 – Sinaia, Romania

ICSTCC 2017 aims at bringing together under a unique forum, scientists from academia and industry to discuss the state of the art and the new trends in system theory, control and computer engineering, and to present recent research results and prospects for development in this rapidly evolving area.

This conference edition joins four previous different scientific meetings:

  • SINTES (International Conference on System Theory and Control) – organized by the Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics from University of Craiova.
  • SACCS (International Symposium on Automatic Control and Computer Science) – organized by the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi;
  • SIMSIS (International Symposium on Modelling, Simulation and Identification Systems) – organized by the Faculty of Control Systems, Computers, Electrical and Electronics Engineering from “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati;
  • CONTI (International Conference on Technical Informatics) – organized by the Faculty of Automation and Computers, the Department of Automation and Applied Informatics and the Department of Computers and Information Technology from Politehnica University of Timisoara.

As well as the previous editions, ICSTCC 2017 will be technically co-sponsored by IEEE Control Systems Society and the Proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

ICSTCC 2017 will feature several kinds of presentations, including invited talks, contributed papers, posters and special sessions. The outcome of ICSTCC 2017 can be a better understanding of some leading research areas, as already System Theory, Control and Computing have demonstrated.

ICSTCC 2017 welcomes papers on (but not limited to) the following topics:

Automation and Robotics
  • Linear and Nonlinear Control System Design
  • System Identification and Process Modelling
  • Robust and Adaptive Control
  • Robotics and Intelligent Control
  • Applications and Case Studies in Automation and Robotics
  • Embedded Systems
Computer Science and Engineering
  • Distributed Systems and Software Engineering
  • Databases, Systems of Programs and Expert Systems
  • Web services, Internet Security
  • Software Tools and Methods
  • Grid Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Architecture
Electronics and Instrumentation
  • Modelling, Simulation and CAD Tools
  • Signal Processing and Communication Systems
  • Linear and Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
  • Evolutionary Electronics

A list of previous ICSTCC editions is available here.

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