- Early registration fee (before July 31, 2017): 325 Euro (275 Euro for IEEE Members);
- Late / on-site registration fee: 375 Euro (325 Euro for IEEE Members);
- Early student registration fee (before July 31, 2017): 200 Euro;
- Late / on-site student registration fee: 225 Euro
For each accepted paper, the author who will attend the conference and present the paper must register when uploading the final form.
Student registrants are allowed to upload only one paper. Regular registrants are allowed to upload two papers, to be presented by the same attendant. Additional papers of the same (co)author may be uploaded for 150 Euro each. For each paper, maximum eight pages A4 in double column format are allowed; however, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of 50 Euros.
A registration fee includes conference materials (with conference proceedings on USB drive) and it covers attendance to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and gala dinner.
The accompanying persons can choose the conference events they will attend – the fee will be paid at the registration desk during the conference.
- The registration fee payments can be made with either of the following two options:
- Credit card – Visa or Mastercard:
- The purchase is securely handled by PayU. No credit card information will be stored at the end of the transaction. Upon successful payment, the participant should receive an e-mail message with the subject field containing the text “Online order confirmation from”.
- Bank/wire transfer:
- Information for wire transfer;
- Romanian participants are requested to pay the registration fee in RON, in accordance with the official Euro/RON exchange rate from the day of the payment;
- As payment details, please specify: ICSTCC 2017, registrant name, [paper ID(s) / participant] on the bank transfer form;
- The conference fee does not include bank charges.
- Credit card – Visa or Mastercard:
- Before going to the registration page, please have the following information ready:
- ID(s) and title(s) of the paper(s) to be presented by the registrant;
- For an IEEE member registration, scan your membership card, or download an electronic copy (PDF) by logging into myIEEE;
- For a student registration, scan as .pdf file an official letter stating that the registered person is a full-time student / Ph.D;
- If the registration was already paid by wire transfer, scan/save the proof of payment as .pdf file.
- Visit the following page for information regarding Accommodation and Travel
- All cancellations must be made by email a request to the ICSTCC 2017 organizers. Cancellations received before September 3, 2017 are refundable, minus a 100 Euro processing and administration charge. Cancellations received after September 4, 2017 are non-refundable. Phone cancellation is not accepted.
- No refund will be given for non-attendance.